Come and experience a supportive evening of open Q&A with plenty of wisdom shared about the journey of widowhood.

Please bring a question for Carolyn, which you can share publicly or privately. All widows are welcome.

Registration Options

Select one Coach-a-Thon ticket for yourself for $15, or one ticket for yourself plus a scholarship for another widow for $30. Your contribution is tax-deductible.

Questions Asked at Past Events

“How to handle repartnering in the midst of raising a teenage son?”


“How do I ask for help when I’m exhausted from constantly defending and protecting myself? ”


“How to keep pushing through a year and a half of constant decision making when he was the decision maker in the family for 38 years? ”


“How to financially thrive after the kids SSI benefits end at 18? It’s the most expensive time for a family, yet support ends. How will I provide for all of us? ”


“How do you feel whole again when you feel like half of yourself is gone? ”

PrivateHow do you feel whole again when you feel like half of yourself is gone? How do you feel whole again when you feel like half of yourself is gone?

“How do I handle all of the coworkers and work contacts that are just now reconnecting with me and yet, neither of us know how to deal with the awkwardness? I’m constantly bracing myself all day.”


“How do I deal with having no interest in what I used to do with my husband? ”



Carolyn Moor and Lyn Kienholz

Carolyn Moor

Modern Widows Club Founder and Development Director

Carolyn Moor founded the nonprofit Modern Widows Club in 2011 from her home with two widows. A powerhouse speaker with an emerging voice in education, awareness and advocacy for women's health movement. She's spearheading and inspiring a new generation of widows to become mentors, leaders and advocates to make a positive impact on communities globally. Author of Connect, Inspire, Lead: Empowering Your Widow Mentoring & Leadership Gifts, she is passionate about changing the culture of health for widows. A TEDxOaklandStudio speaker, she's been featured in the WSJ, PBS, NPR, HuffPost LIVE, The Oprah Winfrey Show, OWN, TLC, Growing Bolder Media, Pecha Kucha and the WOW Factor Leadership Podcast. Find more at Currently, she's the curriculum creator at Widow Empowerment School of Thought (WESOT) e-courses, produces the Modern Widows Club Annual Widow Empowerment Event, hosts the podcast HEALTHY WIDOW HEALTHY WOMAN, and writes for Widow Life on Substack with her own opinion column titled Moor Thoughts. She is writing two books ‘Legendary Widows: Stories of Legacy' and ‘Revolutionizing Widowhood: Our Last Social Crisis of Significance’ and pioneering the future vision for the healthy modern widow pathway forward worldwide. Her interests include humanitarian work, SUP, travel, vintage cars, interior design and architecture. Her passion is serving others in finding their own unique purpose by embracing both faith and action. Studied at Pace University, Communication Studies, Stanford University Studies in International Women's Health and Human Rights, and STLCC Meramec, Interior Design. She's the proud mom of two daughters.

Lyn Kienholz

Program Director

Lyn Kienholz found Modern Widows Club in 2011 after the loss of her husband Mike. She launched the Minneapolis West Community in 2013 and served widows in her home until 2019 when she transitioned to the Modern Widows Club HQ Team as the Program Director. Lyn believes that meeting widows where they are at either in-person or on-line can dramatically change the trajectory of a widows journey. As the Program Director for Modern Widows Clubs partners with our Communities and Clubs along with creating content for all of our programs. She is the Meeting & Event Planner for Modern Widows Club Widow Empowerment Event. Lyn lives with her second husband Jeff and their blended family of 6 kids near Minneapolis, MN. She owns Red Thread Consulting Group and her interests outside include boating, hiking, beach vacations along with curling up with a cup of tea and a good book during long Minnesota winters.

Registration Options

Select one Coach-a-Thon ticket for yourself for $15, or one ticket for yourself plus a scholarship for another widow for $30. Your contribution is tax-deductible.

Coach-a-Thon tickets are not refundable or transferrable, and for privacy reasons the session will not be recorded, so remember to mark your calendar to attend LIVE!