Widowhood is Chaotic

If Life feels Out Of Control and Heartbroken for you

Welcome to PIVOT. Through my observations of widowhood, I've seen many women grappling with a sense of their lives spiraling out of control on various fronts. Perhaps, the circumstances are shrouded in uncertainty. Yet, there's a resilient hope that you can discover stable footing, alignment, and connections that bestow both serenity and confidence in your thoughts and actions. What's crucial right now are the simple pivots in mindset. Widowhood is inherently chaotic and bewildering, unlike any other experience. When you unearth the incredible strength at your core, you'll feel steadfast and resolute in your choices, ultimately growing from this phase of your life.

I consider it a privilege to share the wisdom I've gleaned over the past few decades, not only from my personal journey but also from guiding thousands of other widows. It's an honor to illuminate your path, allowing you to cherish the love you've given and carry it forward.

Thank you for considering this journey. If you'd like to discuss whether this program is the right fit for you (before December 15th), please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected].


Sessions January - June 2024
Access to replays 24/7

The Positive Changes Our Previous Participants Have Experienced

  • "We were all looking for something positive to grab onto" - Diane B
  • "PIVOT opened my eyes to what I couldn't see in early widowhood that I needed"- Pam K
  • "This program is the next growth step, I've been with Modern Widows Club for six years, and I needed to step into something that put me first"- Jessica S 
  • "I'm a different person now, I used to have low self-esteem, but now, my heart is lighter and my bubbly self is back. Thank you"- Ashley J
  • "PIVOT has opened up a whole new world to me. New opportunities and resources that I hadn't known existed. It's okay to be happy and I'm finding more of who I am. Someone who is living my life through my heart and not my head"- Terri W
  • "Carolyn is such a calming and reassuring person and such a wonderful asset and friend to help so many ladies through this time. One of my biggest takeaways was knowing where to find the resources to help myself and other widows in my community. I would highly recommend the PIVOT program to widows at any stage. There is so much more life and love to give. Life doesn’t have to stop with the death of our loved one. Let this great organization help guide you through widowhood.”
    – Kelli L., BSN, RN
  • "I loved being a part of the PIVOT program because of the support and developing a relationship that fosters healing from Carolyn and my other group members. The ability to have one-on-one teaching and guidance from someone who knows widows, has a heart for widows and has the knowledge and education to support and make a difference in the lives of widows is incredibly impactful. – Alicia M
  • I would recommend PIVOT to any widow! PIVOT taught me that resiliency is a skill we can learn and develop, not just a trait we possess. Happiness can happen again after loss, and the development of resilient skills is key in this process. PIVOT teaches you the skills you need to develop resiliency! And Carolyn is wonderful with a contagious heart for healing that will undoubtedly inspire your journey through the program!
    – Katie S.
  • “Being involved in PIVOT with Carolyn and MWC gave me the support and resources to find my new self after my husband passed away. I was able to realize that there was a future for me, rather than “What happens now?” – Rose P
  •  It made me understand the importance of taking care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually. This, in turn, enabled me to PIVOT forward into a life with a new sense of self with my “new normal.” – Windy K
  •  I would encourage all Wisters who are trying to move forward with their “new normal” to consider PIVOT. It gave me the confidence and clarity to step into a future that I did not ask for, as we Wisters well know. Thank you, Carolyn and MWC!”
    – Beth P
  • I am pivoting. I am standing in my power, and I know it is because I took the time to do the work inspired by PIVOT. Take the time, use the MWC resources and PIVOT.  
  • P- Plug into Life 
  • I- If You Don't Go, You Will Never Know 
  • V- Value Your New Self 
  • O- Own Your Passions 
  • T- Take Steps Forward - Diane B 

Please reach out to [email protected] if you'd like to talk with me about if this is the right fit for you (before December 15th).

Discover the art of approaching life with adaptability and resilience.

What does PIVOT encompass?

The PIVOT program will be delivered via ZOOM.
Every month, you can expect three 90-minute live calls in total.
+ First Tuesday 8pm EST- Inspirational Coaching Session with Carolyn Moor
+ Second Thursday 8pm EST - Featured Expert session with Q&A
+ Third Saturday 12pm EST- Takeaway session with Carolyn Moor, Q&A sharing session
*Note: All Recordings Will Be Available

Private PIVOT 2024 FB page, two pre-program assessments and access to Carolyn’s private resource library
PIVOT, Online Flagship Program with Carolyn Moor

If the fog in your mind hasn't cleared, remember, we're here for you!

We'll guide you in harnessing and fortifying your innate abilities through the primary pillars of life, even in moments when they might seem unsteady or disorderly.

Our sessions encompass the following areas, with each month dedicated to one: 1. Emotional & Mental Well-being 2. Financial Wellness 3. Physical Health 4. Spiritual Nurturing 5. Relational Growth 6. Cultivating Fun & Creativity and collectively, Finding Purpose & Meaning

Drawing inspiration from our past PIVOT participants.

In their own expressions, here are Quotes from individuals before and after experiencing PIVOT.

Experience a sense of belonging within our caring and supportive community.

Other participants who have reaped the benefits of the PIVOT program.

  • Canadian widow, 60’s with 3 grown sons, financially secure, retired, looking for a spiritual direction, available via virtual avenues. Not dating and family is supportive. "Who am I now?" Sudden death.

  • U.S. widow, Midwest, young mom in her early 40’s with 4 children under 10yrs. Looking to find her voice and place where she belongs. Didn’t work for two years. "I have started dating and am feeling anxiety in this world". Accidental death.

  • U.S. widow, NE, in her 30’s, no children, very busy at work. "I want to move forward without guilt" Suicide death.

  • U.S. widow, Midwest, in her 50’s, a nurse in a rural town, no children. "My small town has nothing for widows, I need to find my tribe" Anticipated death.

  • U.S. widow, north, in her 40’s with 2 special needs kids, caring for an elderly mother, works full time and is tired, but wants to find purpose. "My self-care is so important. I want to love myself like my husband did" Anticipated death.

  • U.S. widow, West, in her 50’s with a college aged son, transitioning work careers, dating again. "Being a role model of resilience for my son is needed" Sudden death.

  • U.S. South, two grown kids, school teacher, looking for emotional, financial and spiritual health, married 32 years "I don't want to feel sad inside anymore" Sudden heart attack.

Our January - June PIVOT Topics

During our 90-minute Zoom sessions, Carolyn Moor will guide us through exploring all the Pillars of Healthy Widowhood. Take a moment to read the reflections of real widows like you who made the choice to embark on the PIVOT program in the past.

  • January/ Emotional Health:

    “I realized I need to pay attention to my thoughts more.”
    “I feel guilty taking a break to care for me and I’m missing the me that used to be with them.”

  • February/ Physical Health:

    “Finding the motivation is difficult. I need more awareness to move and transform myself.”
    “It’s difficult to understand the amount of energy grief is to my general health.”

  • March/ Financial Health:

    “I have to take my power back in this area. I’ve been taken advantage of for too long.”
    “I’m doing more and now, I need my money to do more for me too.”
    “I’m a shopaholic and it’s hurting me now.”

  • April/ Spiritual Health:

    “Time to stop the damage to my soul.”
    “I know it’s time to take my power back, but I struggle with others not feeling connected anymore.”

  • May/ Relational Health:

    “I’ve realized not to settle because you’re lonely. To see your value and look for it in others as well.”

  • June/ Fun & Creative Health:

    “I forgot how important tapping into my creativity energy was to healing.”

  • June/ Purpose & Meaning Health:

    “You get to have a new identity.”

A mentor, a supportive community, and six guest experts to lead the way!

Sessions January - June 2024
Access to replays 24/7

Every month, we extend a warm welcome to a Guest Expert.

Ninety-minute Zoom sessions, including dedicated time for questions and answers.

January Guest Speaker: Cyndi Williams, LCSW, brings over a decade of expertise in assisting individuals and families across diverse contexts, including care management, hospice, bereavement support, and private practice. Her deep passion lies in empowering individuals to enhance their quality of life through the provision of tools, emotional guidance, and encouragement within a secure and client-centered environment.

February Guest Speaker: Dr. Marissa Magsino, an Internal Medicine & Functional Medicine Physician and a valued member of the Wister community. She serves as the Wellness & Health Ambassador for Modern Widows Club. Dr. Magsino is also the author of "Mindset Shift" and "Transformational Shift" and a two-time Widow Empowerment Speaker, addressing crucial subjects such as hormone balance, alternative approaches to grief and pain management, and sexual health in the context of widowhood.

March Guest Speaker:  Megan Kopka, Certified Financial Planner, Megan takes a holistic approach to your finances. Speaker at many MWC webinars and advocate for widows at financial planning seminars. 

April Guest Speaker: Michele Grace Lessirard, an accomplished Interior Designer, Interfaith Minister, WayMaker, Shamanic Astrologer, and Doodler. Michele will impart her wisdom and insights on the topics of soul loss and retrieval.

May Guest Speaker: Jenn Fortune and Jen Johnson As facilitators of the MWC Dating Support Club and authors of "Your Sacred Love Story," the co-founders of Sacred Love by Design provide both group and individual coaching. With over a decade of experience mentoring widows and serving as community advocates within MWC, they use an empathic and intuitive approach to help individuals create a soulful love story in every aspect of life. This ranges from fostering deep self-love to nurturing cherished relationships, both present and future.

June Guest Speaker: Dr. Linda Shanti McCabe, renowned author and art therapist of "After Your Person Dies: Affirmations for Grief, Making Meaning, and Moving Forward."

YES, these will all be recorded and posted!

Carolyn Moor

Modern Widows Club Founder and Development Director

Carolyn Moor established the nonprofit Modern Widows Club in 2011.  She is a dynamic speaker who is making waves in the fields of education, awareness, and advocacy for women's health during widowhood. Carolyn is at the forefront of galvanizing and motivating a fresh cohort of widows to step into roles as mentors, leaders, and advocates, driving positive change in communities worldwide. 

Her latest books, "INSPIRE CONNECT LEAD: Empowering Your Widow Mentoring & Leadership Gifts," and "Legendary Widows: Stories of Legacy" are  available at bookstores everywhere.

A TEDxOaklandStudio speaker, she's been featured in the WSJ, PBS, NPR, HuffPost LIVE, The Oprah Winfrey Show, OWN, TLC, Growing Bolder Media, Pecha Kucha, Psychology Today and the WOW Factor Leadership Podcast. Find more at carolynmoor.com

Presently, she serves as the curriculum creator for the Widow Empowerment School of Thought (WESOT) e-courses, orchestrates the development of Modern Widows Club Annual Widow Empowerment Events (both virtual and in-person), helms the HEALTHY WIDOW HEALTHY WOMAN podcast, and is in the process of penning several more books, namely, her memoir, a daily widow wisdom book and the first widow advocacy book 'Revolutionizing Widowhood: Our Last Social Crisis of Significance.' In addition, she is forging ahead with her visionary mission to shape the future of the healthy modern widow's journey worldwide.

Her diverse interests encompass humanitarian efforts, SUP (Stand-Up Paddleboarding), travel, vintage cars, interior design, and architecture. Her true passion lies in empowering individuals to discover their distinct life purpose by amalgamating faith and action.

Studied at Pace University in Communication Studies, Stanford University Studies in International Women's Health and Human Rights, Baptist System School of Nursing, and St. Louis Community College at Meramec in Interior Design.

Carolyn Moor Has Been Featured On...

Oprah Logo
TEDx Logo
NPR Logo
Wall Street Journal Logo
Women You Should Know Logo
The WOW Factor Logo
KNWA Fox 24
Dallas 5 Fort Worth
Diane Rehm Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this course suitable for recently widowed individuals?

    This course is designed for widows seeking hope, healing, personal growth, and the ability to navigate their new life in widowhood with a resilient and positive mindset. If you're uncertain whether it's the right fit for you, please feel free to contact Carolyn at [email protected] before December 15th for a discussion.

  • Is my age a relevant factor for participating in this program?

    Age is not a consideration. We warmly embrace widows of all ages, and this diversity is an integral aspect of the course's beauty. It has been crafted by widows from a wide spectrum of ages, backgrounds, and life experiences.

  • What is the duration of this course?

    Understanding that widows lead busy lives, we've designed this program with flexibility in mind. All sessions are recorded for your convenience, allowing you to catch up at a time that suits you best. You'll have ongoing access to all the content, so you can revisit it as often as necessary.

  • What knowledge and skills will I acquire during the 6-month PIVOT mentoring program?

    In PIVOT, you will discover the significance of self-care and a holistic approach to navigating the widowhood journey, centered around our seven pillars of healthy widowhood. Our core belief is that when widows receive the support, nurture, respect, and love they deserve, they naturally find the strength to flourish. Drawing from extensive surveys conducted over the years, which have engaged thousands of widows, we've observed that they are in search of hope, healing, personal growth, and the capacity to lead their lives with enhanced confidence. This newfound confidence equips them to make well-informed decisions moving forward and empowers them to uncover purpose and meaning in the wake of loss.